Spring supplier Example
Non Spring Developers Let us assume for a second that you are not a Spring developer and not familiar with Spring Integration which already provides abstractions for ROME. In that case, we can certainly use ROME directly to produce feed records. For example, this is a valid Supplier for this scenario. public Supplier<SyndEntry> feedSupplier() { return () -> { //Use the ROME framework directly to produce syndicated entries. } } The benefit here is that we can develop the supplier without any knowledge of Spring, and it can be deployed to a serverless environment directly, using the abstractions provided by that environment or by relying on a framework like Spring Cloud Function. This essentially means that if you are a Java developer without much Spring Framework skills, you can still write the functions using just the interfaces defined in the java.util.function package such as Function, Supplier and Consumer, by providing the business logic. Spring Developers Add ...