Understand Promises in Angular

Promises aim to simplify asynchronous programming. Our JS code is full of async stuff, like AJAX requests, and usually we use callbacks to handle the result and the error. But it can get messy, with callbacks inside callbacks, and it makes the code hard to read and to maintain. Promises are much nicer than callbacks, as they flatten the code, and thus make it easier to understand. Let’s consider a simple use case, where we need to fetch a user, then their rights, then update a menu when we have these.
With callbacks:

getUser(login, function (user) {
  getRights(user, function (rights) {
Now, let’s compare it with promises:
  .then(function (user) {
  return getRights(user);
  .then(function (rights) {

I like this version, because it executes as you read it: I want to fetch a user, then get their rights, then update the menu. As you can see, a promise is a 'thenable' object, which simply means it has a then method. This method takes two arguments: one success callback and one reject callback. The promise has three states:
• pending: while the promise is not done, for example, our server call is not completed yet.
• fulfilled: when the promise is completed with success, for example, the server call returns an OK HTTP status.
• rejected: when the promise has failed, for example, the server returns a 404 status.

When the promise is fulfilled, then the success callback is called, with the result as an argument. If the promise is rejected, then the reject callback is called, with a rejected value or an error as the argument. So, how do you create a promise? Pretty simple, there is a new class called Promise, whose constructor expects a function with two parameters, resolve and reject.

const getUser = function (login) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  // async stuff, like fetching users from server, returning a response
  if (response.status === 200) {
  } else {
  reject('No user');

Once you have created the promise, you can register callbacks, using the then method. This method can receive two parameters, the two callbacks you want to call in case of success or in case of failure. Here we only pass a success callback, ignoring the potential error:

  .then(function (user) {
Once the promise is resolved, the success callback (here simply logging the user on the console) will be called.
The cool part is that it flattens the code. For example, if your resolve callback is also returning a promise, you can write:
  .then(function (user) {
  return getRights(user) // getRights is returning a promise
  .then(function (rights) {
  return updateMenu(rights);

but more beautifully:

  .then(function (user) {
  return getRights(user); // getRights is returning a promise
  .then(function (rights) {
  return updateMenu(rights);
Another interesting thing is the error handling, as you can use one handler per promise, or one for all the chain.

One per promise:

  function (user) {
  return getRights(user);
  function (error) {
  console.log(error); // will be called if getUser fails
  return Promise.reject(error);
  function (rights) {
  return updateMenu(rights);
  function (error) {
  console.log(error); // will be called if getRights fails
  return Promise.reject(error);

One for the chain:
  .then(function (user) {
  return getRights(user);
  .then(function (rights) {
  return updateMenu(rights);
  .catch(function (error) {
  console.log(error); // will be called if getUser or getRights fails
You should seriously look into Promises, because they are going to be the new way to write APIs, and every library will use them. 


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