Hibernate JPA @NamedNativeQuery Example
The @NamedNativeQuery annotation extends the JPA @NamedNativeQuery with Hibernate specific features, like:- flush mode for this particular query
- if the query should be cached, and which cache region should be used
- the selected entity CacheModeType strategy
- the JDBC Statement fetch size
- the JDBC Statement execution timeout
- if the query is a CallableStatement, targeting a stored procedure or a database function
- what SQL-level comment should be sent to the database
if the query is read-only, hence it does not store the resulted entities into the currently running Persistence Context
Hibernate NamedNativeQuery
name = "get_person_phone_count",
query = "SELECT pr.name AS name, count(*) AS phoneCount " +
"FROM Phone p " +
"JOIN Person pr ON pr.id = p.person_id " +
"GROUP BY pr.name",
resultSetMapping = "person_phone_count",
timeout = 1,
readOnly = true
name = "person_phone_count",
classes = @ConstructorResult(
targetClass = PersonPhoneCount.class,
columns = {
@ColumnResult(name = "name"),
@ColumnResult(name = "phoneCount")
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