Hibernate - (HQL and JPQL) Explicit joins

The FROM clause can also contain explicit relationship joins using the join keyword. These joins can be either inner or left outer style joins.

Explicit inner join examples

List<Person> persons = entityManager.createQuery(
"select distinct pr " +
"from Person pr " +
"join pr.phones ph " +
"where ph.type = :phoneType", Person.class )
.setParameter( "phoneType", PhoneType.MOBILE )

// same query but specifying join type as 'inner' explicitly
List<Person> persons = entityManager.createQuery(
"select distinct pr " +
"from Person pr " +
"inner join pr.phones ph " +
"where ph.type = :phoneType", Person.class )
.setParameter( "phoneType", PhoneType.MOBILE )

Explicit left (outer) join examples

List<Person> persons = entityManager.createQuery(
"select distinct pr " +
"from Person pr " +
"left join pr.phones ph " +
"where ph is null " +
"   or ph.type = :phoneType", Person.class )
.setParameter( "phoneType", PhoneType.LAND_LINE )

// functionally the same query but using the 'left outer' phrase
List<Person> persons = entityManager.createQuery(
"select distinct pr " +
"from Person pr " +
"left outer join pr.phones ph " +
"where ph is null " +
"   or ph.type = :phoneType", Person.class )
.setParameter( "phoneType", PhoneType.LAND_LINE )

HQL WITH clause join example

List<Object[]> personsAndPhones = session.createQuery(
"select pr.name, ph.number " +
"from Person pr " +
"left join pr.phones ph with ph.type = :phoneType " )
.setParameter( "phoneType", PhoneType.LAND_LINE )

JPQL ON clause join example

List<Object[]> personsAndPhones = entityManager.createQuery(
"select pr.name, ph.number " +
"from Person pr " +
"left join pr.phones ph on ph.type = :phoneType " )
.setParameter( "phoneType", PhoneType.LAND_LINE )

Fetch join example

// functionally the same query but using the 'left outer' phrase
List<Person> persons = entityManager.createQuery(
"select distinct pr " +
"from Person pr " +
"left join fetch pr.phones ", Person.class )


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