Hibernate - Group by Example

Group by

The GROUP BY clause allows building aggregated results for various value groups. As an example, consider the following queries:

Group by example

Long totalDuration = entityManager.createQuery(
"select sum( c.duration ) " +
"from Call c ", Long.class )

List<Object[]> personTotalCallDurations = entityManager.createQuery(
"select p.name, sum( c.duration ) " +
"from Call c " +
"join c.phone ph " +
"join ph.person p " +
"group by p.name", Object[].class )

//It's even possible to group by entities!
List<Object[]> personTotalCallDurations = entityManager.createQuery(
"select p, sum( c.duration ) " +
"from Call c " +
"join c.phone ph " +
"join ph.person p " +
"group by p", Object[].class )

The first query retrieves the complete total of all orders. The second retrieves the total for each customer, grouped by each customer.

In a grouped query, the where clause applies to the non-aggregated values (essentially it determines whether rows will make it into the aggregation). The HAVING clause also restricts results, but it operates on the aggregated values. In the Group by example, we retrieved Call duration totals for all persons. If that ended up being too much data to deal with, we might want to restrict the results to focus only on customers with a summed total of more than 1000:

Having example

List<Object[]> personTotalCallDurations = entityManager.createQuery(
"select p.name, sum( c.duration ) " +
"from Call c " +
"join c.phone ph " +
"join ph.person p " +
"group by p.name " +
"having sum( c.duration ) > 1000", Object[].class )

The HAVING clause follows the same rules as the WHERE clause and is also made up of predicates. HAVING is applied after the groupings and aggregations have been done, while the WHERE clause is applied before.


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