Hibernate JPA @FetchProfile Example


The @FetchProfile annotation is used to specify a custom fetching profile, similar to a JPA Entity Graph.

FetchProfile Define the fetching strategy profile.

Fetch profile example

@Entity(name = "Employee")
name = "employee.projects",
fetchOverrides = {
entity = Employee.class,
association = "projects",
mode = FetchMode.JOIN
session.enableFetchProfile( "employee.projects" );
Employee employee = session.bySimpleNaturalId( Employee.class ).load( username );

Here the Employee is obtained by natural-id lookup and the Employee’s Project data is fetched eagerly. If the Employee data is resolved from cache, the Project data is resolved on its own. However, if the Employee data is not resolved in cache, the Employee and Project data is resolved in one SQL query via join as we saw above.


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