Java - Annotations for Concurrency

Class Annotations

We use three class-level annotations to describe a class's intended thread-
safety promises: @Immutable, @ThreadSafe, and @NotThreadSafe. @Immutable means, of
course, that the class is immutable, and implies @ThreadSafe. @NotThreadSafe is
optionalif a class is not annotated as thread-safe, it should be presumed not to
be thread-safe, but if you want to make it extra clear, use @NotThreadSafe.
These annotations are relatively unintrusive and are beneficial to both users
and maintainers. Users can see immediately whether a class is thread-safe,
and maintainers can see immediately whether thread-safety guarantees must
be preserved. Annotations are also useful to a third constituency: tools. Static
codeanalysis tools may be able to verify that the code complies with the
contract indicated by the annotation, such as verifying that a class annotated
with @Immutable actually is immutable.

Field and Method Annotations

The class-level annotations above are part of the public documentation for the
class. Other aspects of a class's thread-safety strategy are entirely for
maintainers and are not part of its public documentation.
Classes that use locking should document which state variables are guarded
with which locks, and which locks are used to guard those variables. A
common source of inadvertent non-thread-safety is when a thread-safe class
consistently uses locking to guard its state, but is later modified to add either
new state variables that are not adequately guarded by locking, or new
methods that do not use locking properly to guard the existing state variables.
Documenting which variables are guarded by which locks can help prevent
both types of omissions.
@GuardedBy(lock) documents that a field or method should be accessed only with
a specific lock held. The lock argument identifies the lock that should be held
when accessing the annotated field or method. The possible values for lock are:
@GuardedBy("this"), meaning the intrinsic lock on the containing object (the
object of which the method or field is a member);
@GuardedBy("fieldName"), meaning the lock associated with the object
referenced by the named field, either an intrinsic lock (for fields that do
not refer to a Lock) or an explicit Lock (for fields that refer to a Lock);
@GuardedBy("ClassName.fieldName"), like @GuardedBy("fieldName"), but referencing a
lock object held in a static field of another class;
@GuardedBy("methodName()"), meaning the lock object that is returned by calling
the named method;
@GuardedBy("ClassName.class"), meaning the class literal object for the named
Using @GuardedBy to identify each state variable that needs locking and which
lock guards it can assist in maintenance and code reviews, and can help
automated analysis tools spot potential thread-safety errors.


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