serenity cucumber selenium automation
BDD fundamentals
Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is a collaborative approach to software development that bridges the communication gap between business and IT. BDD helps teams communicate requirements with more precision, discover defects early and produce software that remains maintainable over time.Writing acceptance criteria with Cucumber-JVM
In Cucumber, you express acceptance criteria in a natural, human-readable form.For example, you want to write acceptance criteria for sending a mail
you could write like this:
Given I want to send a mail
When I login to to mail box. clicked compose button, entered the details and clicked send
Then I should see mail sent to the receiver.
Sometimes tables can be used to summarize several different examples of the same scenario.
Scenario Outline: sending a mail
Given I have login to the mail box When I can enter the details '<Email>' and '<Subject>' Then I should see mail sent successfully
Examples: | Email | Subject | | | test | | | test | | | test |
These feature files can be placed in different locations, but you can reduce the amount of configuration you need to do with Serenity if you put them in the src/test/resources/features directory.
|----src | |----test | | |----resources | | | |----features | | | | |----mail | | | | | |----sending_mail.feature
The Scenario Runner
package net.serenity_bdd.samples.etsy.features;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import net.serenitybdd.cucumber.CucumberWithSerenity;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class AcceptanceTests {}
Step definitions
public class SendingMail { @Steps BuyerSteps buyer; @Given("I have login to the mail box") public void buyerWantsToBuy(String article) { buyer.opens_etsy_home_page(); } @When("I can enter the details
'(.*)' and
public void searchByKeyword(String keyword) {
@Then("I should see mail sent successfully") public void resultsForACategoryAndKeywordInARegion(String keyword) {
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