RTC java client developments Environment setup

RTC java client developments Environment setup

List of jar required to setup development evn.

link for documents and jars

1. Download rtc jaav client

(This jar required when any class in not present in RTC-Client-plainJavaLib)

2. Download Docs

 Extract the zip and keep it into a location

Step to setup Evn

1. Open eclipse
2. Create a java project
3. Right click on the project go to Build path>configure build path>Libraries>Add eternal jars.
4. Go to the folder where your have extracted the RTC-client-plainJavaLib
5. Select all and click OK.

Environment setup is Done.

You may need to add some other jar in your development time. If any class in not present in RTC-Client-plainJavaLib package then use jar from RTC-SDK-Client package


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