RTC java client developments Environment setup
RTC java client developments Environment setup List of jar required to setup development evn. link for documents and jars https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/6.0.5?p=allDownloads 1. Download rtc jaav client https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/6.0.5/RTC-Client-plainJavaLib-6.0.5.zip https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/6.0.5/RTC-SDK-Client-6.0.5.zip (This jar required when any class in not present in RTC-Client-plainJavaLib) 2. Download Docs https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/6.0.5/RTC-Client-plainJavaLib-API-javadoc-6.0.5.zip Extract the zip and keep it into a location Step to setup Evn 1. Open eclipse 2. Create a java project 3. Right click on the project go to Build path>configure build path>Libraries>Add eternal jars. 4. Go to the folder where your have extracted the RTC-client-plainJavaLib 5. Select all and click OK. Environment setup is Do...