irctc multiple ticket cancellation
How to cancel 2 tickets out of 4 tickets from IRCTC website?
how to cancel 1 ticket out of 2 in irctc?
Yes, It is possible .
You can cancel a single passenger from ticket from irctc
Follow these steps
Login to IRCTC
1. Go to Services > Cancel Ticket
2. Cancel E-ticket option on irctc website
3. Select the ticket and click on Cancel ticket button
(Now a window will open with passenger names and a check box on right hand side)
4. Click on the checkbox for the passengers for whom ticket is to be cancelled
5. Click on cancel ticket button below.
how to cancel 1 ticket out of 2 in irctc?
Yes, It is possible .
You can cancel a single passenger from ticket from irctc
Follow these steps
Login to IRCTC
1. Go to Services > Cancel Ticket
2. Cancel E-ticket option on irctc website
3. Select the ticket and click on Cancel ticket button
(Now a window will open with passenger names and a check box on right hand side)
4. Click on the checkbox for the passengers for whom ticket is to be cancelled
5. Click on cancel ticket button below.
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