
Get best hit first

I have a table department with a columns SearchKeysName and BOLD_ID. Bold_ID is just a number for identification of row. It contains data like this:

Bold_ID; SearchKeysName
1005; [12212][FALKENBERG][32-1][][523451]
1000; [124132][AB CD BYGG][GĂ–TEBORG][124132-1][][CD-BYGG CO][556435979101]

To search data I have SQL like this:

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 BOLD_ID FROM Department UPPER(SearchKeysName) LIKE '%\[%32-1%]%' ESCAPE '\'

In this case I searched for 32-1 so it will pick the rows above. What I want is to make sure the exact hit is placed on top of the result. Like this


This is of course a simplified example. In reality there are thousands of rows so I can miss the first line with 32-1 as there are many others that and with this string when search string is short.

Only idea I have so far is to make 2 searches. One with

LIKE '%\[32-1]%'

If that don't find anything then try more generic like above.

EDIT Now tried this:

from Department 
where upper(SearchKeysName) like '%\[%32-1%]%' ESCAPE '\'
order by case when SearchKeysName like '%\[32-1]%' ESCAPE '\' then 0 else 1 end

And got this

Msg 145, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

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