
Call the destructor of a template class, expected class-name before ‘(’ token [closed]

I have an exceptional situation where I need to call the destructor of a class to clear union memory. We can not use an std::variant yet. The class in the union is template based and defined similar to:

template<class TYPE>
class BaseTemplate
    BaseTemplate() = default;
    ~BaseTemplate() = default;

    // Other useful functions.

    TYPE value;

Now we define different types with using:

using X = BaseTemplate<int>;
// Other using definitions

In an earlier situation X was a derived classes from BaseTemplate.

class X : public BaseTemplate<int>
  X() = default;
  ~X() override = default; // In this case ~BaseTemplate was virtual.

  // Nothing useful so we would like to remove this class.

In the old situation we were able to call the destructor like this:

X variableX;

In the new situation when using X = BaseTemplate<int>; is used this results in the error: expected class-name before ‘(’ token. So how do I call the destructor in this case?

Reproduction code:

#include <iostream>
namespace a 
class Base
    Base() = default;
    virtual ~Base() = default;

    virtual void foo() = 0;

template<class TYPE>
class BaseTemplate : public Base
    BaseTemplate() = default;
    ~BaseTemplate() override = default;

    // Other useful functions.
    void set(const TYPE& v) 
      value = v;

    TYPE get() const 
      return value;

    void foo() final
        value *= 2;

    TYPE value;

using X = BaseTemplate<int>;
using Y = BaseTemplate<unsigned int>;
using Z = BaseTemplate<float>;

} // End of namespace a

union XYZ
  XYZ() {}
  ~XYZ() {}
  a::X variableX;
  a::Y variableY;
  a::Z variableZ;

XYZ xyz;

int main()
    // Inplace new operator to initialize x
    new(&xyz.variableX) a::X;

    std::cout << "Result: " << xyz.variableX.get() << std::endl;


from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/3rxNSed

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