Discrete Mathematics
Module- I
- Propositional logic
- Propositional Equivalence
- Predicates and Quantifiers
- Nested Quantifiers
- Rules of Inference
- Proof methods and Strategies
- Sequences and Summations
- Mathematical Induction
- Recursive definition and structural induction
- Program Correction
- Recurrence relation
- Solution to recurrence relation
- Generating functions
- Inclusion and exclusion
- Application of Inclusion and Exclusion Principle
- Relation and their properties
- Closure of relations
- Equivalence relations
- Partial orderings
- Introduction to graph theory
- Graph terminology
- Representation of graphs
- Isomorphism
- Connectivity
- Euler and Hamiltonian paths
- Shortest path problems
- Planar graph
- Graph coloring
- Introduction to trees
- Application of trees
- Tree Traversal
- Minimum Spanning tree
- Semi groups
- Monoids
- Groups
- Subgrorups
- Cosets
- Lagrange theorem
- Permuation groups
- Group codes
- isomorphism
- Homomorphisms
- Normal subgroups
- Rings
- Integral Domain and Fields
- Algebraic systems
- Lattices
- Distributive and Complemented Lattices
- Boolean Lattices and Boolean Algrebra
- Boolean Functions and Boolean Expressions
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