Analog Electronics Circuit Tutorial
1. MOS Field-Effect Transistor:
- Principle and Physical Operation of FETs and MOSFETs
- P-Channel and N-Channel MOSFET
- Complimentary MOS
- V-I Characteristics of E- MOSFETS and D-MOSFETS
- MOSFETS as an Amplifier and a Switch
2. Biasing of BJTs:
- Load lines (AC and DC)
- Operating Points
- Fixed Bias and Self Bias
- DC Bias with Voltage Feedback
- Bias Stabilization
- Design Operation
3. Biasing of FETs and MOSFETs:
- Fixed Bias Configuration and Self Bias Configuration
- Voltage Divider Bias and Design
4. Small Signal Analysis of BJTs:
- Small-Signal Equivalent-Circuit Model
- Graphical Determination of h-parameters Small Signal Analysis of CE, CC, CB Amplifier with and without RE
- Effect of RS and RL on CE Amplifier
- Emitter Follower
- Analysis of Cascade
- Darlington Connection and Current Mirror Circuits using BJTs
5. Small Signal Analysis of FETs:
- Small-Signal Equivalent-Circuit Model
- Small Signal Analysis of CS, CD, CG Amplifier with and without RS
- Effect of RSIG and RL on CS Amplifier
- Analysis of Source Follower and Cascaded System using FETs
6. High Frequency Response of FETs and BJTs:
- Low and High Frequency Response of BJTs and FETs
- The Unit gain – frequency (ft)
- Frequency Response of CS Amplifier
- Frequency Response of CE Amplifier
- Multistage Frequency Effects
- Miller Effect Capacitance
- Square Wave Testing
7. Feedback and Oscillators:
- Feedback Concepts
- Four Basic Feedback Topologies
- Practical Feedback Circuits
- Feedback Amplifier Stability using Nyquist Plot
- Basic Principle of Sinusoidal Oscillator
- Wein-Bridge
- Phase Shift and Crystal Oscillator Circuits
8. Operational Amplifier:
- Ideal Op-Amp
- Differential Amplifier
- Op-Amp Parameters
- Slew rate
- Non-inverting Configurations
- Effect of Finite Open-loop and Closed-loop Gain
- Differentiator and Integrator
- Instrumentation amplifier
- μA 741-Op-Amp
9. Power Amplifier:
- Classifications
- Class-A and Class-B Amplifier Circuits
- Transfer Characteristics
- Power Dissipation and Conversion Efficiency of Power Amplifiers
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